• Facebook

    Did you know the school now has its very own Facebook page? Follow this link to see: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Calder-Valley-Steiner-School/404710222919547 On the page you will find lots of photos, upcoming events and news about the school. Please ‘like’ if you want to stay updated via Facebook.

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  • CVSS On Facebook

    Did you know the school now has its very own Facebook page? You can click on the button at the top of the website or follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Calder-Valley-Steiner-School/404710222919547 On the page you will find lots of photos, upcoming events and news about the school. Please ‘like’ if you want to stay updated via Facebook.

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  • Advent Fayre is Almost Here

    Everyone is welcome at our Advent Fayre – with stalls, vegetarian cafe, raffle, face painting, story telling, puppet play and children’s activities. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year so please do spread the word to family and friends and come join us for a lovely day.

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  • Martinmas Celebration

    In November we celebrated the old festival of Martinmas with Class I and II telling the story of St Martin, after which everyone lit their lanterns for a walk around the churchyard. The children had made beautiful lanterns on the run up to the celebration, and it was a magical scene to see them walking

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  • Our Lantern Festival

    This week we celebrated the old festival of Martinmas with Class I and II telling the story of St Martin, after which everyone lit their lanterns for a walk around the churchyard. The children had made beautiful lanterns on the run up to the celebration, and it was a magical scene to see them walking

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