Further Information

For information for parents and carers starting or returning to Kindergarten in or from September, 2021, please click here.

Parent and Child sessions

The Parent and child sessions have now restarted with sessions on Friday at Cragg Vale. If you would like to put your name down to reserve a place please contact us via the Valley Steiner Kindergarten.

Children with Special Educational Needs

Calder Valley Steiner Education considers all children to be special and that every child has individual needs. The Valley Kindergarten admits children with special educational needs whenever this is possible given the nature of the building we are in at the moment and the needs of the whole group. Every endeavour will be made to accommodate the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs of each child. The teachers are committed to developing their expertise in this area by attending training courses and seeking help to improve their practice.

Safeguarding Children

The well-being of the child is of paramount consideration in all protective action. Suitable procedures will be followed to ensure prompt and effective help to children who may be in danger of abuse or neglect. The Kindergarten follows procedures contained in the local LEA area Safeguarding Children Board’s Interagency procedure and the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s document Guidance for Registered Childcare Providers on Safeguarding Children and Child Protection – a guide to procedure and practice for all professional staff who work with children. This can be accessed on the LSCB’s website and will be updated on a regular basis. The Kindergarten has a designated teacher for child protection and works with the Calderdale Local Safeguarding Children Board Child Protection Liaison Officer (Tel 01422 392514)

Calder Valley Steiner Education has DFCS documents relating to safeguarding available for teaching staff, visitors and parents.

For more information please download:

CVSE safeguarding policy 2021

Bringing and Collecting Children

It is important that the children arrive on time for Kindergarten so that they can experience the whole day and not feel as if they are missing anything. Children must be collected by a parent or a named person with parental consent (preferably written). In the case of separated or divorced parents, custody should be made clear in writing.

When collecting children from the Kindergarten, parents should wait at the main gate on the lane. Parents are requested not to go into the garden in order to collect their child. Children will always be brought out to them at the “school gate”.

Parking and Public Transport

Please do not park or drop children off on the lane at the entrance to the Kindergarten. The lane is not owned by CVSE; it is a private lane. The farmers need a wide space and we need to respect that some local residents don’t want traffic, even by the entrance of the lane. Also please do not park in the pub car park, or anywhere on the road over the bridge, until past the pub on the right or the house on the left. If possible please park at the top of the hill, before turning down towards the Kindergarten – on the left just above the houses/opposite the bus stop.

There is a public bus connection to Church Lane in Cragg Vale. The 900 and 901 operated by West Yorkshire Metro run from Hebden Bridge along Cragg Road.

What to Bring for Your Child

All year: Slippers, plimsolls or soft indoor shoes. Waterproofs and wellies. A spare set of pants, socks, and “bottoms”, e.g. trousers or leggings/tights.
In Winter: Warm outdoor clothes, Wellington boots, hats, gloves.
In Summer: Sunhats and sun cream.

Dress Code

It is important that children wear warm clothes appropriate to the time of year. It is especially important that they are kept warm around their “middle” (e.g. they are well “tucked in”). As regards children’s clothing generally, we encourage parents to ask themselves what encourages good social relations and healthy development? We request that children do not wear clothes that are dominated by logos. These can be frightening or off-putting or simply playing into the hands of the clothing industry by creating demand for their brand as early as possible in children’s lives. Please choose clothing that is suitable (i.e. warm enough for our outside time) and pleasant for everyone else to look at (monster images really do have an impact on behaviour!)

Sickness and Accidents

Please do not bring your child if they are unwell. Please refer to the latest NHS guidance (including Covid-19) if your child is unwell. If in doubt please check with the staff.

Minor accidents are dealt with in the Kindergarten. Accidents are recorded and parents informed of the measures taken to ensure the well-being of the child. The staff have paediatric first aid training.

Our Staff

There are four members of Kindergarten staff, including assistants and one Parent and Child Leader. The teaching staff are trained as Steiner Waldorf teachers. They undertake other on-going training and keep up to date with courses on subjects such as paediatric First Aid and Health and Safety, Multiculturalism, Safeguarding Children and Special Needs.


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