
Are you thinking of a different sort of nursery or pre-school for your child?

“My daughter actually complains when it’s the weekend now, because there’s no Kindy! All schools and nurseries should be this magical, nurturing and free.”

  • For children aged 2-4 years (please enquire about 5 year olds)
  • Based in Cragg Vale
  • Monday-Thursday, 8am-4pm

Our children spend time playing in the woods, fields and gardens –  our wellies wear out faster than we can outgrow them! We also spend one full day in the woods each week, cooking our lunch over an open fire and playing in the trees.

In Nursery, children learn through imaginative play and practical activities. Our gentle, alternative curriculum means there’s time and space to learn at their own pace without targets and tick-lists, building a natural love for learning around each child’s individual strengths.

Activities include singing, story-telling, painting, making and baking, with older children gradually taking on additional activities.

We follow the rhythm of the year with seasonal songs and stories and celebrate traditional seasonal festivals. Each day follows a predictable and gentle rhythm, which helps children feel secure and independent, with a freshly-prepared healthy meal shared together each day for lunch.

“She comes home with pockets full of pebbles and feathers, with mud down her fingernails and her hair smelling faintly of woodsmoke. It’s the childhood of dreams, and I feel so lucky to be able to give her this.”

If you’d like to come and visit our Nursery, please contact Angie Whitehead on 07598 951324 or come to one of our regular open days.


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