Policies & Procedures

Below you will find all of our policies, procedures and other important documents.

If you have any questions about any of our policies, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Safeguarding Policy
Special Educational Needs Policy
Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Policy
Supporting Positive Behaviour (Inclusion Policy)
Exclusion and Suspension Policy
Online Safety for Children and Young People Policy
Prevent Duty Policy
Collection of child from Nursery Policy
Illness and Medication Policy/Appendices
Photography, Mobile Phone and Camera Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Health and Safety Including fire
Health and Safety Policy for Pupils on activities outside the Kindergarten grounds
Closure of Kindergarten Policy due to Adverse Weather Part 1. Part 2
Admission Policy
Attendance Policy for Kindergarten children receiving NEF
Non-payment of Fees Policy
Screen Time Recommendations
Policy and Procedure for dealing with Parental Concerns & Complaints
Multicultural Policy (incorporating British Values)
English as an Additional Language Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Food and Drink Policy
Staff code of Conduct Policy
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy
Mentoring and Supervision Policy
Privacy Policy
Data Protection Policy
Acceptable Standards of Behaviour Policy for Teachers and Parents
3 Year Access Plan 
Holding and Physical Restraint Policy
Non-Smoking Policy
Sun Safety Policy

Intimate care policy, including nappy changing procedures

Child absent from education policy
CVSE Kindergarten Curriculum